Zavenir has developed many advanced technologies specifically for industrial low-temperature cleaners. ADVANCED SURFACTANT TECHNOLOGY is excellent for cleaning the parts and equipment with the help of non-ionic and cationic surfactants. CHELATING TECHNOLOGY powers rust-removal products. DEAROMATIZED DEWATERING TECHNOLOGY features narrow boiling ranges and hence does a better job of removing aromatic compounds and moisture than conventional Kerosene or White spirit.
These revolutionary technologies empower Zavenir’s various products designed for industrial metal cleaner. A list of the products is mentioned below:
- HAKUPUR® AQUEOUS CLEANERS: Based on Advanced Surfactant Technology, these cleaners are designed to remove ionic and non-ionic contaminants from machines. Approved by leading global OEMs and manufacturers, HAKUPUR cleaners leave no residue behind. They feature low cost per component and reduce the cleaner consumption by 20-80 per cent. They are neither harsh to the skin nor to the environment which makes them suitable for most industries.
Once used, it leaves no foul smell or odour and causes no microbiological issues later. Even on high pressure, it does not foam and offers good wetting and rinsing properties which makes it an ideal choice for various industrial cleaning operations.
- EVAPO-RUST® RUST REMOVER: Although it is better to prevent the corrosion of metal at times it gets corroded and covered in rust. Zavenir Rust Remover is a non-hazardous water-based solution based on Chelating Technology to clean such rusted metal. The rusted part is immersed in the solution and the rust disappears within half an hour. If the part is too large to be dipped entirely in solution, then a fabric immersed generously in the liquid will do. It is completely safe and HSE approved globally.
It is completely safe for the immersed machine part and operator. Additionally, it is environmentally friendly. All these qualities make it an ideal rust remover for any industrial product.
- DEWATERING FLUIDS: Removal of moisture is very important before passivation. Conventionally, kerosene or white spirit was used to dewater but their wide boiling range caused problems. Zavenir’s range of Dewatering Technology which includes DW 40, DW60, DW60IP and DW80 are specifically designed for dewatering purposes with narrow boiling ranges.
These are low VOC advanced de-aromatized hydrocarbons with the primary function of removing moisture and contaminants. It can be administered by spraying, dipping or ultrasonic methods for Oil to Prevent Rust. Its demulsifying actions provide brilliant cleanliness. Its properties also include displacing water and even process fluids along with neutralizing fingerprints.
Nice post on zavenir